Getting Started

There are two ways to incorporate the alphabet filter into your project and applications. The first is modifying one or more application’s ModelAdmin classes. The second is when you don’t have control of the code and want to add the feature, such as to django.contrib.auth. Both methods require you to override the default admin template for that model or app.

Overriding the Admin Template

In order to properly display the alphabet filter in the admin, the change_list.html template must be slightly changed. django-alphafilter includes a template the makes the proper changes. This template extends the default admin template, so using it must be done on an per-application or per-model basis.

You can merge the default Django admin change_list.html template with django-alphafilter‘s changes to make a single template override. django-alphafilter doesn’t do this so it can support multiple Django versions.

Within your project’s template directory, you need to create an admin directory, and a directory with the name of the application, and optionally the name of the model. For example, if you were adding the filter on the Tag model of an application named cooltags, the directory structure would look like:

                change_list.html      <-- For every model in the cooltags
                    change_list.html  <-- For just the Tag model

The change_list.html file simply needs to contain the line:

{% extends "alphafilter/change_list.html" %}


You cannot place this template in the admin directory, as it leads to an infinite loop of inheritance. As mentioned above, you can create a new change_list.html template by copying the django.contrib.auth template and make the same adjustments as the django-alphafilter‘s template.

Altering Your Own Model Admin

If you have control of the application’s code, you can easily support django-alphafilter by adding an alphabet_filter attribute to your ModelAdmin class, like so:

class TestNameAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    model = TestName
    alphabet_filter = 'sorted_name'

The value of alphabet_filter is the name of the field to use for filtering.

Altering Another Application’s Model Admin

Sometimes you want to use the alphabet filter, but you don’t want to modify someone else’s code. A perfect example is django.contrib.auth. To enable the alphabet filter on the User model, you can add a configuration setting in your The ALPHAFILTER_ADMIN_FIELDS setting is a dictionary in the form of {'<appname>.<modelname>': '<fieldname>', [ ... ] }

For example:

    'auth.user': 'username',
    '': 'name',

Project Versions

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